

Every morning ,six days a week ,patients walk in and out of my consultation room .They come with all kinds of complaints ,all kinds of stories.They expect that I will not only prescribe but also listen and react to what they say and suggest if possible the single universal remedy for all their worldly troubles and more so without any medicines .Since all my patients are HIV infected ,they always come hoping that I will tell them that a permanent cure is on the horizon .

Some , believe all that you have to say ,take any number of medicines that you care to prescribe and trust with all their heart.But there are also the sceptics who after hours of patient explanations go back with the least faith in me and my medicines.These two are better than the third group which chiefly consists of cats on the wall .They come ,they talk ,they get examined and they take away the prescriptions with due respect and regard but when they come back always tell you that they have taken one month of medicines when three were due and half tablets were one was prescribed and come back after one year when they should have returned after three swift months .These are the rebels of the system .They loathe the fact the fact that they should be prevailed upon by a woman wearing a white coat to take what they know is not good for them .They believe ,that modern medicine is a conspiracy against humanity and its natural immunity and it is better to fight from within .It is these people who make the practice of medicine as lively and challenging as it is today .

Every patient I believe ,is a walking lesson and it is by proper study of them that my prescriptions can ever get their due recognition and adherence......


sury siva said...

Patients often expect miracles when they visit doctors who provide the treatment they feel just depending on their individual judgment and also pathological tests. But the ills of indian society are legion, since, it is often the drop-outs in the medical shops who dictate and decide what should be consumed by the patient and since a few of them work fast the gullible among them visit more these quacks rather than the doctors.
Our system lacks follow up data of patients, as only then, our doctors will be able to decide when a particular drug works on a patient . Doctors usually have to rely mostly on what the patients say, and because of lack of time, they also do not have the time to listen fully. Patients are not content with one doctor also. They visit many doctors whose prescriptions they swallow and do not reveal when they go to another doctor.
Ills of our medical governance and patient follow up are too many. In USA, i found to my surprise, that when my grandkid was unwell and prescribed a drug, my daughter had a call, after 10 days, and was sought information whether the dosages have been completed and the condition of the child.
Here even the best of doctor community, both private and public, do not maintain any worthy records of patients' past medical history information.
So, pity the system rather than the poor patients!!
subbu rathinam

பூங்குழலி said...

I fully agree with your comments .We do need effective follow up methods .

The patients are also not aware that they must take their medicines in its full prescribed course and that they need regular follow up visits with the doctor especially when they have chronic illnesses .They go only when they are in an acute illness and forget the doctor and the illness after it .

Preventive medicine has taken a severe beating in our system .
